Our Work

conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends

We are at work

Since last two years Revolutionary Goans have lead by example in multiple verticles of envoroment protection for Goa. Participated in agitations agianst tree cutting, illegal hill cutting and various other activities which affect Goan enviroment.

Plant Trees

More Oxygen
  • Tree Plantation Drives
  • Local trees conservation

Solar Power

Eco Energy, Green Energy
  • Solar Street Lamps
  • Solar Water Heaters
  • Home solar power

Water Conservation

Conserving Water
  • Ground water revival
  • Tidal water irrigation
  • Check Dams
  • RO Systems

Waste Management

Waste to Useful
  • Leaf Plates
  • Single use plastic alternatives
  • Eco Eating table accesories
  • Bio Mass creation